miércoles, 23 de junio de 2021

Post 6

The pharmacist is one of the most valuables members of society, who deals with the composition, properties, interactions, and proper use and distribution of medicines. Due to knowledge of the mechanism of drugs, the pharmacist understands how they should be used to achieve maximum benefit, minimal side effects, and avoid drug interactions. This is essential to guide other people to better well-being.

I don´t know exactly how I see myself in the future, but probably in the industrial area of pharmacy or investigating to discover new medicines that can be useful for the human race.

My major along with other careers in the health area can contribute to the development of a wide range of drugs and bio-drugs which may be able to improve people's lives and even eliminate some type of ailment in the patient's body.

Although today the training we receive in more chemistry than pharmaceutical, one should not forget his work with people, as a health employee.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Felipe, I hope you're feeling well, soon we will be able to study more about the area of ur career!.


Final Post

 Well, if I had to pick a topic, I'd say research for pharmaceutical sciences is one of the branches that most hook me together with cel...